The weather forecast warned all those playing at the opening match of the 2016 LEGS season about 'Storm Katie' but it was 'Storm JC' that swept across the Heritage Course at the London Club on Easter Sunday.
With Donald Allan enjoying his first match as the new Captain, the weather had all the touches of a Glaswegian tropical summer, with plenty of wind around the Trossachs - such was the ferocity of the elements. From initial sunshine, to gale force winds and ice cold hailstones it was a horrible day to play golf - even though it calmed down for the back nine holes.
The day started with a traditional full English breakfast in the 'Henry Cooper Room' whose portrait hung with menace at one end of the long table. Equally traditional was Mark Bignell hovering over the waitress as she was trying to lay out the serving dishes... Not sure when he was last de-wormed but I think a checkup is overdue...
Mark continued the entertainment at the first tee when he was seen racing across towards the practice green chasing his tumbling umbrella that had decided to make a break for freedom. Such was Mark's speed, everyone thought he'd been asked to pay for a round of drinks and was heading for the hills..
Third Place overall was guest Ben Capstick with 33 points, Runner-Up with 30 points was Ian Bowden but the winner on the day was John Capstick with 33 points. Winner of the Front 9 was Mark Bignell with 15 points and Ian Bowden picked the Back 9 with 17 points.
John also picked up two Nearest The Pins, with Matt Hooper and Declan McGinn winning the other two.
Fashion 'faux pas' of the day had to go to Brendan Carroll who, with his green trousers and red top was only missing an amber baseball cap to complete his 'Traffic Light' ensemble image.. :)
London Club - Full Results
Post London Club Handicaps