The LEGS AGM was recently held in the Slug & Lettuce bar in London - and such a nice, quiet location it was in which to hold this important annual review of the past year and to look forward to 2017.  If only those present could hear what each other were saying over the background music and noise, it would've been even better!

The minutes of the AGM have been shared with all members so if you have any queries - speak to Mark Bignell...

Congratulations to our new Captain Gretchen Jones who I'm sure will lead us throughout an enjoyable year... will she resist the temptation of the spa facilities at the 'Away LEGS' weekend to play golf every day? We'll just have to wait and see... 
Geordie Sore
Our medical correspondent has informed us of the sad news that one of our own - Derek Ball - has broken his knee and will be out of golfing action for some time.  Details are still hazy and we are awaiting information as to whether the the cause of the injury was related to A) Skiing, B) Age, C) Alcohol or D) a combination of all three.  
Joking apart, all LEGS members wish him all the best for a speedy recovery.